Thursday, May 8, 2008

I said be careful his bowtie is really a camera

So el has a cold. Sigh, and you know what's worse than a cold? A summer cold and there's nothing worse than that except an advent-of-summer cold. A cold is pointless because:

  1. head is heavy
  2. nose is humungous (arbitary thought - rhymes with mundungus fletcher)
  3. body has shut down

but you can't lie down and be sick and almost dying, you must get kicked out of the house for whatever reason. For all practical purposes, it's not a real thing.

So I went out and stocked up before the worst came on:

  1. Pringle chips (barbecue flavour - decent, not my favourite which I am yet to decide)
  2. Stick Jaws(the chocalate ones, not vanilla)
  3. Fruitella(heart the chewiness and strawberry and grape flavour)
  4. Sugar doughnuts(2)
  5. Polo(duh)
Also invested in Two Caravans by Marina Lewycka. I enjoyed her first book and this one takes a while to kick off with the initial humour kind of flat but right now its rollicking. I like knowing authors from the beginning, from their first book. Sure I like Maragaret Atwood and Vikram Seth who've written a whole load of great novels but I don't know know them. So many people have read them, that the book isn't really yours as such. I like picking up a book that's relatively obscure and very good and just for recognising the familiar name and design(since they stick to their publishers) the second time around, I get excited and want to read it. I like her and Paul Torday too whose second novel I shall read next.

I downloaded,
  1. Leatherheads(that George Clooney movie about football in the 30s, which is a camera print and absolutely awful so didn't watch it)
  2. High Fidelity(which though I've seen several times on HBO, I felt like watching) and the book was good. I like Nick Hornby even though his books get made into jokey movies with Hugh Grant in them(About a Boy.) That dude(Nick not Hugh) is funny and knows what he's talking about.
  3. Simon and Garfunkel - Greatest Hits - since no one owns tape players anymore and what good is a hard plastic covered cassette without a player except in the car?

Also, look what I found! WWE playing cards!It's all coming back to me, the hours and hours playing this pointless game which required absolutely no skill, because by the end of it we'd memorised the stats of the wrestlers and the art of peeking. So if you saw the opponents card you knew exactly what to call. I used to own this game, and shutup you - I didn't cheat, atleast not as much as you.

And remember - Trish Startus, ha, we used to get this kick every single time by calling out Breast - 41 inches. Though these days Khali is all the rage. Headlines Today dedicates half an hour to him at 10:30 I think when a WWE 'expert', which is a guy wearing a stone cold tshirt talks about the Great Khali and the anchor in all seriousness will ask - so will Khali win his next match? And the resident 'expert' goes, well, gaurav(insert forgettable name here) it's hard to say, he's been winning matches, performing well but there's a lot at stake here so we'll see what he can come up with under pressure, etc. etc.

IT'S ALL RIGGED DOOFUS. Though if they(Htoday) have Grandstand in the 9 pm slot, atleast they've come out of the closet about their entertainment/utter rubbsih status. I'll remember them fondly though because when they were a proper news channel, I happened to be watching when they announced the board results were out. R.I.P. Htoday.

*yes i discovered the 1-2-3 button today


Perakath said...

Your post title alone warranted a comment girlie :)

I carry a Polo in my right front pocket at all times!

I heart Nick Hornby, although I found High Fidelity the least enjoyable of his books. About A Boy was a cool movie, c'mon! Except for the mother. I want to re-read How To Be Good, see if I like it still. It's sitting in my cupboard at home...

Breasts 41?? Sheesh... we stuck to the good old Biceps or Height or Weight categories, in our time. Cylinders, even, when playing automobile trump cards.

What is a 1-2-3 button?

Anonymous said...

Too dazed to comment something related to the post so, question - what are you studying?

Oh and I am blogrolling you, just letting you know...

El said...


1-2-3 as in the list thing when you're composing a blogpost next to font etc.

Yea, I guess High Fidelity's more pop and ska music and we're post all that generation. I mean I don't think Rob would've listened to Dream Theater.

and that's the whole point! you KNOW trish has the smallest, thats why we called it. though my fav was Big Show - 500 pounds hand it over.

siro: studying good ol economics (bla) and thank you muchly, I shall return the compliment :D

Anonymous said...

Eco? Ouch. You will do MBA post this, won't you. Sigh. Our lives are just too expected-types. Im tripping of suffixing everything with type/s. Yes, I've lost it. Haven't gone to work also. Argh.

Anonymous said...

Trish! 41 inches! I used to spend days using that one card. And the company I made. You bring back days I thought were forgotten.

a million different people said...

I think they were called Trump Cards, and I never understood why.

Yes, and I totally cheated. In my defense, I didn't cheat all the time, only most of the time.

Hope you're all well by now =)

El said...

exactly, trump cards that's why I could never take 'The Donald Trump' very seriously.

and I am! thanks for asking yo, it's just that with the cooler on all the time am still like snivellus, hack hack cough cough. sigh, not very attractive at the moment.