Thursday, August 7, 2008


a million different people said...

Um, what?


El said...


umm, why does blogger do these things? got one coming up for 8/8/08 though.

whats sports?! lemme

Perakath said...

Aw, look at you two bonding. El, she plays everything. (Yes, I'm omnipresent and omniscient!)

AMDP, Thanatos: Why is your blog closed to external comments? Private party?

Perakath said...

Also AMDP, re: your potter's wheel post: Very 'Ghost'. A video might have served better than 10 photos, perchance?

a million different people said...

El >> Perakath is omniscient, if only self-claimedly so. :D

And yea, Blogger seems to be acting up!

Perakath >> Hehe. No no, we discovered fuck up only yesterday. It's all right now.

Yea I know. But my phone wouldn't let me take more than a 25-sec vid. So had to make do with pictures. =\

Thanatos >> My phone is still better than your fatass goodforlittle phone.

El said...

private party, heehee, that's what I was thinking, god knows what these two cook up.

Thanatos said...

See, that's why I didn't what admin rights on the blog :(

Owner - my phone's better. You know it. Feel the pawa!!

@ El - scratchpad! My music recommendation for the day is Particle's Transformations (live for the people). Absolutely brilliant. Listen. Now.