Friday, August 7, 2009

The Littlest Birds Sing the prettiest Songs

The disjointed, assorted, unsorted, accumulated thoughts over extended period on non blogging post -

I know you've missed me so you'll read it anyway.

There is this man, who helped me with a virus. We both tried to get it off my computer, through several long exhaustive gchats and a lot of patience from his kindly self. It's still on though - in a controlled form. Whenever I plug anything into my computer, a little newfolder.exe pops up. I've stopped deleteing them because they remind me of him and it makes me smile. What tales I'll tell my grandkids yo, kya comedy life hai.

I'm only half a decade late on the laptop uptake. For the past year or so I've had a computer cum study table with a desktop - is it no wonder then that I bombed my exams? Now, my computer's crashed again and this time I didn't lose anything that major except several sets of photographs and I haven't reinstalled mtnl on the desktop yet. There's Mum's spare office latop doing the rounds and I've using that for all internet travels and it's helping me a LOT. Firstly, the luxury of
sitting anywhere, just anywhere! and typing makes me feel so damn fly. And secondly, I'm very big on compartmentalisation, and now that area is just study/work place and it's making quite a lot of difference concentration wise because I just don't sit down there unless I'm gonna hit them books.

There's a certain kind of people who loved to read and maybe write a little only because the world was so awesome and powerful and unfathomable and they needed to channel some of that revelation and now, all they(we) so is watch films and somehow it's getting translated into

I've noticed something rather interesting about myself - when am I having a good time? What makes me happy? What is fun for me? And it mostly comes down to kicking back with your people, your pals and all the ridiculous pictures we take and the disgusting food we eat.

Did ya know there's a baoli near Connaught Place. It's actually on Kasturba Gandhi Marg and there's something quite awesome about it's ancient steps, it's dignified purpose, just it's very presence in that bustling mad city centre.


Marvin said...

It has been ages. Welcome, yo!

"There is this man". Haha. I smiled through the rest of the post. You know the people who watch movies and read a little (and write even less) are not that bad. They too are doing their bit for the world. Trust me!


Oh, it also depends on what you watch. No no, I won't be judgmental, yo!

Pringle Man said...

haha, didn't see this before.

I have moved here

o O