Thursday, June 25, 2009
Friday, June 19, 2009
Waited For Nothing
I don't know what has happened to my reading speed. It has slowed down to the pace of a 3 seed file.
It now takes me WEEKS to finish a book, even one that I'm really enjoying, even non-difficult, non-literary ones; and since I've read a total of nil books on philosophy I don't even have that problem.
It's not like I'm doing much else, true I'm more 'physically active' than I've been in the last seven years combined but that shouldn't make too much of a difference non?
Anyway, REALLY liking 'Any Human Heart' by William Boyd, especially the cameo appearance by a variety of writers/artists most of whom I don't recognize - Hemingway, Woolf, Fitzgerald and Joyce all wandering around London and Paris pre-war as of now and it's only page one hundred and something. Man, what a time.
Only six years late but Shantaram has finally been read and also finally discussed someone who found as tedious as I did, but hey read the whole think just because of the sheer force of his back story. More than the book, I'd really like to chat with Roberts, have lots to say, not in the least that he needs to not straigthen his hair. (err..not even going to try to check the tense on that sentence)
Thursday, June 18, 2009
When you put the radio on and it's mid-song, exactly at the part you love.
Ideally I'd love to ride them horses and race through the woods with my dogs till my lungs burst. But we live in apartment blocks so fuck it I'm going to gym instead.
Wednesday, June 17, 2009
Those dumb punk kids will buy anything
~There is such shelter in each other.
I think you would fit nicely. I can see it now, I can feel it. And I'm looking better than I ever did when I was a teenager.
~Then I sit still and think, really think of New York and I think I understood more about it from Ramin Bahrani's two films - Man Push Cart and Chop Shop than any other source. It's so firmly in our psyche, babies will recognise Jesus and the Empire Sate. I had a huge NY poster up in my room for many years, and looking through facebook albums of lucky folks who've been there there's one thing I certainly DON"T want to do - pose in front of the statue of liberty bla bla..That's why there's no longing anymore, I wonder if there ever was. Because I don't want to go there now, as a student, as I am now. I want to go there as someone successful, someone independent. Who can bum it out and live it up. It's an idea of myself really.
What do I want to do now? Well for starters get my Hard Rock Cafe, Delhi (yea baaby) t-shirt, Beijing and Barcelona better get used to a new favourite. I want to drive down the Malabar coast and up the Coromandel Coast - with thousand bucks in my pocket, a tank full of petrol, bandana, sunscreen and camera. But you can't steal photos, you have to win them over. When you're a stranger in their land, they're looking at you, you can't look at them.
I want to win a ticket to a Wimbledon match, I'll go and come back I swear, won't overstay by one hour even.
I want to live out cliches first before I reject them. I don't want to be around eyes that know me. Even a little bit. I want you to think I've been like this always, and even that is not saying much.
I love men of music and men of science. I love women of theatre, their noserings and smoke blacked purple lips. Their veneer, their lack of inhibition. I love men who pick up their baabies and hold them and look their kids in the eye. Who write computer codes and run the world from college dorms. I love a lady with a hat. That's just too damn ninja.